The Pre-Beginnings of our Life Together


I never knew I could juggle

     In elementary P.E. we had a juggling section where we started with two scarves, moved onto three and then attempted it with real balls.  I practiced at home with WalMart bags, and after totally dominating the scarves section, I was prepared to be an awesome juggler.  I mean if I was that awesome with scarves that floated in the air giving me years-worth of time to grab them, then how hard could non air-resistant balls be when gravity got a hold of them? (give me a break, my logic skills were still developing in the third grade) And then reality set in, and all of the balls ended up hitting the floor and rolling around all over the gym.  So rather than practicing, I gave up all of my juggling aspirations; who likes to practice things that they are bad at anyway? However, while I still cannot juggle round objects, since about March, I would say I have become quite a juggling expert.
     It has been awhile since I have posted any updates, and let me tell you why.  Since my last update I have: gotten married, gone on a honeymoon, lived in the basement of my in-laws, moved into our house (and by that I mean our unfinished bedroom), started school, started a new job, visited the license branch and the social security office and license branch 3 more times in order to change my name, done a lot of homework and taken some quizzes and exams, attempted to get internet and failed, and drank a whole lot of coffee. On a brighter note our house is coming along, and I have had experiences that I never would have thought of.
     I will begin with the house updates.  We not only have drywall, paint, running water, electricity, lights, air conditioning, a mattress on the floor on a tarp, a mini fridge, microwave and toaster, and card table with 2 chairs, we also have a kitchen floor, hardwood floors practically finished downstairs and started upstairs, a mattress on the floor (finally no tarp because the hardwood doesn't soak up dirt the way the luan did), a coffee maker (in the bathroom), and hopefully soon-to-be cabinets, and appliances ordered.  Let me tell you that I have never been so excited about floors in my life! They look awesome, and you can walk without turning your feet or socks black.
Here is a shot of the hardwood and kitchen tile!

      Life in our house has been kind of like an adventure though.  For instance, nothing is eaten that a)will not fit in a mini fridge or piled on the card-table, b)is not microwavable or from a package, or c)was not prepared by someone else (aka our parents, friends or neighbors).  This is not all bad, and I know that Ryan never gets tired of Pizza, but he drinks a LOT of milk.  I think if I would let him, he would drink a gallon a day.  Try keeping up with that when you can only fit one gallon in the fridge at a time, maybe 2 if you have nothing else in there.  I also only associate coffee makers in the bathroom with hotels, and doing dishes in the bathroom sink with dorm-life; both are realities in our world.  We have not been making our bi-weekly trips to Menard's though; I wonder if that means that we have been dethroned from our positions of home improvement store royalty?  Strangely I kind of miss those trips; they always made for good stories.  So life has been pretty crazy, I am still learning a lot, and I am excited about all of the progress.  Here are some pictures, and I will try to keep this updated.
All of the necessities for water.
Part of the Kitchen.
Part 2 of the kitchen.
The mostly finished, fully functional bathroom.
Our bed in our room.  Notice the tarp beneath and the wonderful ceiling fan.